Chat #5 with ChatGPT


Explain the following code to a programming student:

import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import './editor.scss'; 
import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; 
import { store as coreDataStore } from '@wordpress/core-data'; 
import { Spinner } from '@wordpress/components'; 

function PagesList( { hasResolved,pages } ) {

  if ( !hasResolved ) { 
    return <Spinner /> 

  if ( !pages?.length ) { 
    return <div>No pages to display</div> 

return ( 
  <ul> { pages?.map( page => ( 
      <li key={ }> 
        { page.title.rendered } 
     ) ) } 

export default function Edit() { 

  const data = useSelect( 
    select => { 
      return { 
        pages: select( coreDataStore ).getEntityRecords( 'postType', 'page',     { 
      per_page: 20 } ), 
      hasResolved: select( coreDataStore )
      .hasFinishedResolution( 'getEntityRecords', ['postType', 'page', { per_page: 20 } ] ) } },
       [] );


This code is written in JavaScript and uses the WordPress JavaScript API to retrieve and display a list of pages in the WordPress editor.

Let’s break down the code step by step:

  1. The code imports several modules and components using the import statements. These modules are necessary for the code to work properly. For example, the __ function is imported from the @wordpress/i18n module for internationalization purposes. The useSelect function is imported from the @wordpress/data module to interact with the WordPress data store. The Spinner component is imported from the @wordpress/components module for displaying a loading spinner.
  2. The code defines a functional component called PagesList, which receives two props: hasResolved and pages. This component is responsible for rendering the list of pages.
  3. Inside the PagesList component, there are conditional statements. If hasResolved is false, it displays a loading spinner using the Spinner component. If pages is an empty array or undefined, it displays a message saying “No pages to display”. Otherwise, it renders an unordered list (<ul>) with list items (<li>) for each page in the pages array. The page title is displayed using page.title.rendered.
  4. The export default statement exports another functional component called Edit. This component is the entry point of the module and is used in the WordPress editor.
  5. Inside the Edit component, the useSelect hook is used to fetch data from the WordPress data store. It receives a selector function that retrieves the desired data from the store. In this case, it fetches the page records using coreDataStore.getEntityRecords and passes the 'postType', 'page', and { per_page: 20 } as arguments. It also checks if the resolution of the data retrieval has finished using coreDataStore.hasFinishedResolution.
  6. The useSelect hook returns an object data containing the pages array and the hasResolved boolean value.
  7. Finally, the Edit component renders the PagesList component, passing the hasResolved and pages values as props.

In summary, this code fetches a list of pages from the WordPress data store using the useSelect hook and then renders the list of pages in the WordPress editor. It shows a loading spinner while the data is being fetched and displays a message if there are no pages to display.

Explain the same code to a JavaScript novice

Certainly! Let’s go through the code step by step, explaining each part in simpler terms for a JavaScript novice.

import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
import './editor.scss';
import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data';
import { store as coreDataStore } from '@wordpress/core-data';
import { Spinner } from '@wordpress/components';

These lines import some modules and components that are needed for our code to work correctly. Think of them as pre-made tools that we can use to build our application.

function PagesList( { hasResolved, pages } ) {
  if ( !hasResolved ) {
    return <Spinner />;

  if ( !pages?.length ) {
    return <div>No pages to display</div>;

  return (
      { pages?.map( page => (
        <li key={ }>
          { page.title.rendered }
      ) ) }

Here we define a function called PagesList that will display a list of pages. It takes two inputs, hasResolved and pages, which are values we will provide when we use this function.

Inside the function, there are some checks. If hasResolved is false, it means the data is still being loaded, so we show a loading spinner. If pages is an empty array or doesn’t exist, we display a message saying there are no pages to show. Otherwise, we create an unordered list (<ul>) and inside it, we create a list item (<li>) for each page. The page title is displayed in the list item.

export default function Edit() {
  const data = useSelect(
    select => {
      return {
        pages: select( coreDataStore ).getEntityRecords( 'postType', 'page', { per_page: 20 } ),
        hasResolved: select( coreDataStore ).hasFinishedResolution( 'getEntityRecords', ['postType', 'page', { per_page: 20 } ] )

  return <PagesList hasResolved={ data.hasResolved } pages={ data.pages } />;

Here we export another function called Edit. This function represents the main functionality of our code. When it is used, it fetches data and renders the PagesList component.

Inside Edit, we use a special function called useSelect. This function allows us to retrieve data from the WordPress data store. We pass a function as an argument to useSelect that tells it what data we want to fetch. In this case, we want to get the records of the pages.

The returned data object contains the fetched pages and a boolean value hasResolved, which indicates whether the data fetching has finished.

Finally, we render the PagesList component and pass the hasResolved and pages values we obtained from the useSelect hook as props.

To summarize, this code fetches a list of pages and displays them in the WordPress editor. While the data is being fetched, it shows a loading spinner. If there are no pages or an error occurs during the fetching process, it displays an appropriate message.

Note: This code uses getEntityRecords from the datastore. Below you’ll find the same functionality implemented with the function useEntityRecords() which makes the handling of data easier.

We continue our Chat with ChatGPT


import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
import { useBlockProps } from '@wordpress/block-editor';
import './editor.scss';
import { useEntityRecords } from '@wordpress/core-data'
import { Spinner } from '@wordpress/components';

function PagesList( { hasResolved,pages } ) {

	if ( !hasResolved ) {
		return <Spinner />

	if ( !pages?.length ) {
	  return <div>No pages to display</div>
	return (
		  { pages?.map( page => (
				<li key={ }>
					{ page.title.rendered }
			) ) }
  export default function Edit() {

    const data = useEntityRecords( 'postType', 'page', { per_page: 20} );
    return (
        <div {...useBlockProps() }>
          <PagesList hasResolved={ hasResolved } pages={ records } />

Chat CPT answer:

Certainly! Let’s break down the code step by step, explaining each part in simpler terms for a JavaScript novice.

import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
import { useBlockProps } from '@wordpress/block-editor';
import './editor.scss';
import { useEntityRecords } from '@wordpress/core-data'
import { Spinner } from '@wordpress/components';

These lines import some modules and components that are needed for our code to work correctly. Think of them as pre-made tools that we can use to build our application.

function PagesList( { hasResolved, pages } ) {
  if ( !hasResolved ) {
    return <Spinner />;

  if ( !pages?.length ) {
    return <div>No pages to display</div>;

  return (
      { pages?.map( page => (
        <li key={ }>
          { page.title.rendered }
      ) ) }

Here we define a function called PagesList that will display a list of pages. It takes two inputs, hasResolved and pages, which are values we will provide when we use this function.

Inside the function, there are some checks. If hasResolved is false, it means the data is still being loaded, so we show a loading spinner. If pages is an empty array or doesn’t exist, we display a message saying there are no pages to show. Otherwise, we create an unordered list (<ul>) and inside it, we create a list item (<li>) for each page. The page title is displayed in the list item.

export default function Edit() {
  const data = useEntityRecords( 'postType', 'page', { per_page: 20 } );

  return (
    <div {...useBlockProps() }>
      <PagesList hasResolved={ data.loading } pages={ data.records } />

Here we export another function called Edit. This function represents the main functionality of our code. When it is used, it fetches data and renders the PagesList component.

Inside Edit, we use the useEntityRecords hook to fetch data from the WordPress data store. We pass 'postType', 'page', and { per_page: 20 } as arguments to the useEntityRecords hook, which tells it to retrieve the records of the pages.

The returned data object contains the fetched records and a loading property that indicates whether the data fetching is in progress.

Finally, we render the PagesList component and pass the loading and records values we obtained from the useEntityRecords hook as props. We also use the useBlockProps hook to apply certain block properties to a wrapping <div> element.

To summarize, this code fetches a list of pages and displays them. While the data is being fetched, it shows a loading spinner. If there are no pages or an error occurs during the fetching process, it displays an appropriate message. The useBlockProps hook helps apply certain block properties to the surrounding <div> element.


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