Watch, Read, Listen
JavaScript: The Good Parts
I just chuckled through most of this video: Doug Crockford: JavaScript the Good Parts It is a bit dated, but it is still relevant. I am pretty confident that most of the “I hate JavaScript” WordPress devs utter is from that era and has lasted until today in some PHP developers, who refuse to touch…
Intro to JSON
JSON when you say it out loud sounds like Jason, the first name. “My name is JSON, Theme JSON.” Theme.json and Block.json are new files in WordPress. Theme.json allows developers to set defaults for color palette, typography, and other design element of a website and control features of the block editor for content creators. Block.json…
Distraction Free Writing and WordPress
Joe Casabona discussed in his post if you should really write in the WordPress Editor, be it in its classic or block editor. Casabona uses Ulysses as his writing app (mac only, paid). I mostly use Google Doc as I often collaborate on topics, especially at work working with WordPress teams on the Make blogs.…
How to Test Blocks for Classic Themes
At our agency, Pauli Systems, we worked with many websites that were not yet Gutenberg-ready. Slowly, clients were moving towards the block editor. For a first evaluation on how the existing theme performs with the block-editor, we used this Gist from GitHub for a first review. Gist Updated September 23, 2021 Fixed dead references to…
Adventure: Second Brain with RoamResearch
New Year’s Eve morning, I decided to start the new year with Roam. A few days ago, I noticed, I passed the threshold of 5,000 notes in Evernote. The last two years, my daily-not-so-daily Logs are missing a piece of organization, that I might find in Roam. That’s how Travis Daily started his post on…
Tracking PHP 8 issues around WordPress
This site runs on PHP 8rc1, WordPress trunk and Gutenberg from Master. On this page, I track the issues, I had seen on this site. If you want a big picture kind of report, I recommend reading Yoast’s The 2020 WordPress and PHP 8 compatibility report. WordPress Core team also posted a Call for testing:…
20 WordPress Plugins, drafted at the Mega Meetup
Last month, I participate in the Mega Meetup Plugin Draft. David Bisset invented the format. He invited five people on a panel, Elisabeth Reiner, David Yarde, Topher DeRosia, Brad Morrison and yours truly. Then we did 4 rounds of first picks on WordPress plugins. There were quite a few plugins I didn’t know about and…
A #nocode Contributor Journey on the WordPress Gutenberg GitHub Repo
I have been a contributor to WordPress since 2014. I serve as Deputy on the Community team, and as team rep for Bock-Editor Enduser documentation team. I am also a roockie contributor on the Gutenberg GitHub repo for WordPress’ block editor. Earlier this week, Mark Uriane asked me to review a PR, that fixed an…
Difference between npm and npx
The npm stands for Node Package Manager and itis the default package manager for Node.js. It is written entirely in JavaScript, developed by Isaac Z. Schlueter, it was initially released on January 12, 2010. The npm manages all the packages and modules for node.js and consists of command–line client npm. It gets installed into the system with the installation of node.js. The required packages and modules in…
Testing Twenty-Twenty One
Twenty-Twenty Theme has been released with WordPress 5.6 Beta 1. And I started this site, so it’s a good occasion as any to help with testing this beautiful new default theme for WordPress. There are many things I like and I will write about them. For now, my brain seems to pickup a few inconsistencies.…
Give Serendipity a chance
Earlier this week, Bluehost posted on Twitter the question: I liked the idea to build a site about coding and share more technical details about my work with nonprofits. I never had a place to organize my development notes online. Could be the occasional imposter syndrome creeping in holding me back… This site purpose is…
JSX: Ignoring Case-Sensitivity Sends Browser Into Endless Loop
This post is a copy of a post on our family blog. It’s so much better housed here…. I am about half-way through Zac Gordon’s book React Explained. I read most of it on the plane back from Europe and didn’t do the exercises. A couple of weeks ago I finally circled back to them.…